Helpful information about the unique nutritional needs of dogs and cats with certain lifestyles or health challenges.
Heart Health
Nutrition and Heart Health
The heart is a vital organ that relies on specific nutrients and a continuous supply of energy to support and maintain a regular rate and rhythm, yet the role of nutrition in pets’ cardiac health is often overlooked.
6 min to 10 min
Lower Urinary Tract Health
Nutrition and Urinary Tract Health in Cats
Feline lower urinary tract diseases (FLUTDs) have a multi-factorial etiology. Diet can play an important role as part of the overall management.
6 min to 10 min
HYDRATION IN PETS: Strategies To Manage Water Balance In Cats And Dogs
Water is an essential nutrient and is considered the nutrient most critical for survival. Losses in body water of just 10-15% can cause death, with animals able to tolerate much higher fat or protein losses.
20+ minutes
Excess Body Weight
Feeding Pets for Weight Loss
Up to 63% of pet cats and 59.3% of pet dogs are overweight or obese, and this condition is linked with serious health risks. However, many pet owners do not recognize their dog or cat is overweight or how nutrition can help manage healthy weight–and a healthier life—for their pet.
6 min to 10 min
Managing the Gut Microbiome
Diet, a controllable factor that influences the gut microbiome, offers a daily opportunity to contribute to gut health.
1 min to 5 min
Cat Allergen Management
A Transformational Approach to Managing Cat Allergens
Learn about a breakthrough discovery and a transformational nutritional approach to managing the major cat allergen – helping to keep allergic cat owners and their cats together!
1 min to 5 min
Cat Allergen Management
A Novel Approach to Managing Allergies to Cats - Mechanism of Action
How a novel nutritional approach can help manage cat allergens, allowing allergic cat owners to spend more quality time with their cats.
1 min to 5 min
Hydration in Pets
Water is vital to health. How much water should pets drink, are there differences between cats and dogs, and how can pets be encouraged to drink?
6 min to 10 min
Hydration in Pets
The water needs of pets should not be overlooked.
1 min to 5 min
Cat Allergen Management
Managing Cat Allergens
A nutritional approach can neutralize the major cat allergen (Fel d 1) in a cat’s saliva, before it spreads to the environment.
1 min to 5 min
Excess Body Weight
The Role of Diet in Managing Excess Weight
A tailored nutritional approach can help overweight or obese pets lose weight.
1 min to 5 min
Lower Urinary Tract Health
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Health: The Role of Diet
Nutrition plays a role in the maintenance of feline lower urinary tract health.
1 min to 5 min