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Tips and tools for effective nutrition conversations with case scenario examples.

Nutrition Conversation Tips, Nutritional Assessment

How to Address a Client’s Nutrition Misperceptions

Dr. Julie Churchill and Dr. Sarah Abood provide the following tips and more on how to respond when a client has found inaccurate nutrition information:

  • Applaud the client’s interest in their pet’s nutritional needs and empathize with the difficulty in finding credible sources of information.
  • Identify trustworthy nutrition sources to share with clients.
  • Emphasize to the client that each pet has individual nutritional needs that may change over time.
  • Be a “nutrition-ready, askable” practice.

Related Tools and Content:

How Can the Veterinary Team Address Nutrition Misinformation?

Addressing misinformation starts with identifying objective, reliable information.

1 min to 5 min

How Should Veterinary Teams Evaluate Nutrition Information?

Separating the science from the "sell" when evaluating nutrition information.

1 min to 5 min

How Can the Veterinary Health Care Team Address Nutrition Questions

Every member of the clinic staff can promote good information about nutrition.

1 min to 5 min

Creating Collaborative Care Through Nutrition Conversations Webinar

To help you have nutrition conversations that build client trust, the Purina Institute invites you to watch this free webinar.

20+ minutes