Nutrition Conversation Tips, Body Condition Assessment
The Importance of Ideal Body Condition
Since energy needs can vary throughout life (e.g., after neutering, seasonally due to changes in activity level, and around middle age), conversations with clients about the importance of ideal body condition are necessary even when the pet is currently in ideal body condition. This role-play video shows how to initiate and engage the client in this key nutrition conversation.
- Linking ideal body condition with the pet’s health and longevity.
- Stressing routine body condition scoring at home between veterinary visits to detect unwanted weight gain or loss.
- Offering to answer questions (e.g., about adjusting amount of food) between visits.
- Summarizing key points before the visit ends.
Related Tools and Content:
How to Perform a Body Condition Assessment - Dog
Assess a dog's Body Condition Score in just 3 simple steps.
Decreased Energy Needs in Pets After Spaying or Neutering
Neutering may increase a pet’s risk for becoming overweight or obese.
Creating Collaborative Care Through Nutrition Conversations Webinar
To help you have nutrition conversations that build client trust, the Purina Institute invites you to watch this free webinar.
Milestones That Should Spark a Nutrition Conversation
Throughout a pet’s life, there are multiple events that should trigger a nutrition conversation.
To Share With Pet Owner:
Evaluating Your Dog’s Body Condition
Assess your dog's Body Condition in just 3 simple steps.
Canine Body Condition System Sheet
A visual aid to the Purina Body Condition Score System for dogs.