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Discover our free pet nutrition educational content featuring global veterinary experts.


6 Topics
The Intersection of Nutrition and Rehabilitation for Orthopedic Patients
Learn how you can use nutrition and rehabilitation to manage postoperative orthopedic recovery and chronic diseases in your orthopedic patients.
60-90 minutes

5 Topics
Microbiome Forum Virtual Event 2024
Learn from globally renowned veterinary experts at the forefront of microbiome research and how to apply it to clinical practice.
90+ minutes

3 Topics
Practical Approach to Feline Hydration
Learn more about strategies to optimize voluntary water intake of cats.
60-90 minutes

5 Topics
Proactive Approach to Diagnosing and Managing Canine CDS
Margaret E. Gruen, DVM, MVPH, PhD, DACVB.
Learn more about evidence-based approaches to diagnosis and management of canine cognitive dysfunction.
60-90 minutes

Nutrition, Nutrition Conversations
Tips and Tools to Facilitate Nutritional Conversations
Learn new strategies to address common obstacles to discussing diets and provide practical solutions.
60-90 minutes

4 Topics
Comprehensive Management of Feline CKD
Lindsey Bullen, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition)
Learn about approaches to comprehensive management of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
60-90 minutes

5 Topics
Managing the Microbiome: A Case-Based & Clinical Approach
Find out how to assess and support the canine intestinal microbiota, and the short- and long-term clinical impact of antibiotics.
60-90 minutes

4 Topics
Demystifying Adverse Food Reactions
Domenico Santoro, DVM, MS, DrSc, PhD, DACVD, DECVD, DACVM
Learn about the most up-to-date approaches to diagnosis and clinical management of food-responsive skin and gastrointestinal diseases in dogs.
60-90 minutes

5 Topics
Gut Barrier Function and Immune Tolerance in Healthy and Allergic Dogs
Discover what is currently known about the role of acute intestinal injury in the development of chronic enteropathies and food allergies in dogs.
30-60 minutes

Adverse Food Reactions, Immunity
Canine Food Allergy: Pathogenesis and Offending Allergens
Learn how immune system dysregulation and reduced tolerance to otherwise innocuous food components result in development of food allergies in dogs.
30-60 minutes

Gut Microbiome, Nutrition
Comparative Aspects of Nutrient Effects on the Intestinal Microbiome in Humans and Other Animals
Scientists’ understanding of the host-microbiome relationship has evolved substantially during the past 15 years, revealing a complex interplay among diet, host genetics, microbiota, and health.
30-60 minutes

3 Topics
The Relationship Between the Intestinal Microbiome, Dysbiosis, and Inflammation in Dogs and Cats
Chronic enteropathy in dogs and cats is characterized by overlapping unspecific features that often result from persistent dysbiosis and irreversible changes in intestinal function. Learn why different patients respond differently to therapy.
30-60 minutes